Sitecore is such a flexible CMS, you
can do any customizations so quickly. Sitecore has customized ASP.NET's
framework to provide more flexibility and power for itself and Sitecore
Pipelines are nothing but to perform a sequential opterations/process, which is defined in web.config. Which gives better flexibility by adding new or overriding existing processors.
Below are the pipelines covered while any page is requested. These pipelines would be different on Staging and Live environment, also it depends on different modules installed on Sitecore environment.
Pipelines are nothing but to perform a sequential opterations/process, which is defined in web.config. Which gives better flexibility by adding new or overriding existing processors.
Below are the pipelines covered while any page is requested. These pipelines would be different on Staging and Live environment, also it depends on different modules installed on Sitecore environment.
This pipeline initiate Sitecore
It is invoked for each HTTP request
managed by ASP.NET. It is used to prevent Sitecore from processing requests
with specific extensions other than .aspx. And yet, it is not used for request
processing logic.
Below are processors in this pipeline:
Below are processors in this pipeline:
If Sitecore not getting proper raw URL, then it normalize
(rewrite) it and set into current context.
It handles 404 error page and
rewrite to proper URL.
It decides which extensions to allow
or reject. i.e., aspx, html, asmx, ics, etc. are allowed (Allowed/Blocked
extensions are specified within this processor configurations in web.config
It rewrite the URL by embedding
This pipeline contains processors
which are used for request processing logic. It sequential finds Site, Device,
Language, Item, Layout, etc. details for the requested URL and then allow
Sitecore to continue rendering it.
This is where Sitecore realises the
html file doesn’t exists and redirects it to it’s 404 page.
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.PreprocessRequest.CheckIgnoreFlag
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Determines if a blanket pipeline active flag has been set.
Determines if a blanket pipeline active flag has been set.
There are two reasons it might not
be set, and both are handled in a the preprocessRequest pipeline’s FilterUrlExtensions processor.
- The request might have a blocked extension. In the FilterUrlExtensions config entry, there are settings for allowed and blocked extensions. If this request has a blocked extension, then then flag will be set to false.
- A request might be set up to be handled by a Custom Handler. Custom Handlers are defined in web.config in /configuration/sitecore/customHandlers. If this request matches the trigger attribute of any of those handlers, then pipelines don’t need to run, since requests will be processed by the Custom Handler rather than regular Sitecore processes. If there’s a Custom Handler match, then the flag will be set to ‘false’.
By default, Sitecore sets a SitecoreOn flag to true. If either of the above conditions are met, that flag will
be set to false.
The SitecoreOn flag is
set in the Context.Items collection.
This processor checks the SitecoreOn
key’s value to determine if the httpRequestBegin pipeline should run. If the value is false, then the entire
pipeline is aborted.
It starts timer to record
performance counters/measurements. The timer is stopped and performance
counters/measurements are retrieved in the httpRequestEnd pipeline’s
StopMeasurements processor. If any counter exceeds the defined threashold, it's
logged in log file.
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.StartMeasurements
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Prepares some performance checks in Sitecore’s Items collection. These are retrieved in the httpRequestEnd pipeline’s StopMeasurements processor and tested against some thresholds. If any threshold is exceeded, it’s written out to the log file as a warning. You can change what threshold is tested in the StopMeasurements configuration in web.config.
Prepares some performance checks in Sitecore’s Items collection. These are retrieved in the httpRequestEnd pipeline’s StopMeasurements processor and tested against some thresholds. If any threshold is exceeded, it’s written out to the log file as a warning. You can change what threshold is tested in the StopMeasurements configuration in web.config.
Here are the checks that get
- SC_REQUEST_MEASUREMENT_TIMER key: a new timer object. This will check total elapsed time for the request. The related threshold is TimingThreshold.
- SC_REQUEST_MEASUREMENT_ITEMS key: a count of items accessed. This will check total number of item accesses during the request. The related threshold is ItemThreshold. (The count of accesses is retrieved from Sitecore.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounters.DataCounters.ItemsAccessed.)
- SC_REQUEST_MEASUREMENT_MEMORY key: total allocated memory as reported by the garbage collector. This will check total memory consumed during the request. The related threshold is MemoryThreshold. This value is retrieved from System.GC.GetTotalMemory().
- SC_REQUEST_MEASUREMENT_URL key: the current request’s raw URL.
Decides whether handle the current
request or not depending on the ignoreUrlPrefix setting value. It checks if the
requested page is in the ignore URL list in the web.config.
Mostly the URLs which Sitecore does not render itself are set in IgnoreList. Like, RichTextEditor, Telerik Dialogs, axd files.
Mostly the URLs which Sitecore does not render itself are set in IgnoreList. Like, RichTextEditor, Telerik Dialogs, axd files.
Set IgnoreUrlPrefixes to a '|'
separated list of url prefixes that should not be regarded and processed as
friendly urls (ie. forms etc.)
If such page is defined, the
pipeline terminates
Identifies if the file path of the requested URL is in the ignore list. The ignore list is managed by the
Sitecore Setting item in web.config. If the URL’s file path begins with an
entry in IgnoreUrlPrefixes
the rest of this pipeline is aborted.
It parses the incoming URL and
Determines the current site defined in /configuration/sitecore/sites. It
identifies Site either by hostname of the current request or by passed
querystring parameter: sc_site.It resolves Sitecore Site object. This object is
now added to the current Context (Sitecore.Context.Site)
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.SiteResolver
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Determines which Sitecore site, as defined in /configuration/sitecore/sites, was requested and updates Sitecore.Context.Site with that information. Sitecore determines this by checking the following:
Determines which Sitecore site, as defined in /configuration/sitecore/sites, was requested and updates Sitecore.Context.Site with that information. Sitecore determines this by checking the following:
- A query string parameter for sc_site
- If the EnableSiteConfigFiles Sitecore Setting is set to true, then Sitecore will check the request’s physical file directory for a site.config file. Note that the directory it checks will be the full directory path; Sitecore won’t ascend the directory structure looking for a site.config file. For example, if you have a URL for, you would need to have a physical directory and for dir1 and dir2 and a site.config file in both directories.
If the EnableSiteConfigFiles setting is false, or the directory doesn’t exist, or there
is no site.config file in that directory, the algorithm continues with 3,
If you’re
going to use site.config, which I’d recommend against for its maintenance
challenges, the site.config consists of a single site element with a reference
attribute that points to the site element in web.config. For example:
reference='website_name' />
- This is the main part of the algorithm that will be hit most frequently. Sitecore uses the Sitecore.Sites.SiteContextFactory class’s GetSiteContext static method to retrieve the SiteContext information associated with the request. It does this by passing in the requested host name, full request path and port number. Next, it loops across each site defined in configuration/sitecore/sites and tests if the current request matches.
Sitecore will examine each of the site elements in the order they’re listed in web.config, it’s important to have your most generous match (e.g., for
the default website site that Sitecore ships with) listed after more specific
If none of these techniques work, Sitecore.Context.Site will end up with null, which may force later processors to abort.
Identifies current user and add it
to current request context (Sitecore.Context.User). In backend, Sitecore uses
standard ASP.NET membership.
This processor determines the current request’s user account by setting the
property.Because Sitecore uses standard ASP.NET membership, it starts by examining the
property. If it’s been set already, and it’s a Sitecore User
object (Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User
) then
Sitecore uses that. If it hasn’t been set, Sitecore tries to retrieve the user
from the username saved in the standard ASP.NET FormsAuthentication
ticket Sitecore sets during
authentication.In the case that
doesn’t exist (e.g., code is running outside a regular ASP.NET web request,
then Sitecore tries to use the current thread’s user.If neither of these techniques work, Sitecore returns the default user account. This is going to be the Anonymous user on the current security domain, which is set by the current Site, as discovered in the previous SiteResolver processor.
Identifies current database and add
it to current request context.(Sitecore.Context.Database. It also resovles
database by passing querystring parameter:sc_content.
This processor allows you to override the
specified by the Site in SiteResolver
If you want, you can append an sc_database
query string parameter with the name of a database.Overriding is only allowed if the current user is an admin or a member of
Sitecore Client Users
, since specifying
this value allows users to connect to something other than web.
If debugging is on, it starts
diagnosis of sitecore request.
This processor determines what happens if you try to run in Debug Mode in the page editor. That is, it checks that settings are correct; that security is correct; and that debug mode is enabled in Sitecore Settings. If all settings check out, Debug Mode, Profiling, etc., are enabled.
Resolves the current Sitecore device
either by querystring parameter sc_device or then knowing BrowserAgent and add
it to current context (Sitecore.Context.Site.Device)
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.DeviceResolver
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
This processor determines which Device Sitecore will use to resolve presentation. It tries the following approaches, in order:
This processor determines which Device Sitecore will use to resolve presentation. It tries the following approaches, in order:
- The value of the sc_device query string parameter - either the name or GUID of a device in the Context database.
- The device attribute on the Context’s Site. That is, Sitecore.Context.Site.Device, as specified in web.config in the current site’s device attribute.
- By matching the values in the Device’s definition item’s fields. First, Sitecore tries to match the Query string field, then the Browser agent field.
Note to match Query string field, every key-value pair in the Query
string field has to match the keys in the
incoming request’s query string. Empty or non-existent keys in the incoming
query string will fail to match. Here are some examples:
Any request
To match
the Browser agent field, Sitecore just checks if the field value is contained
anywhere in the HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent’s property value.
- The defaultDevice attribute on the Context’s Site. That is, Sitecore.Context.Site.DefaultDevice.
- A device that has its Default field checked (raw value of "1").
Note the difference between a site’s
device and defaultDevice. Site.Device overrides Query string and Browser agent field values, while Site.DefaultDevice is the fallback if those fields fail to match.
Resolves the Sitecore context
language and add it to current context (Sitecore.Context.Language). Language
can be identified either by querystring parameter sc_lang or by cookie
(SiteName#Lang) value set to the browser.
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.LanguageResolver
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
The LanguageResolver determines which language Sitecore should use, if it’s being set during the current request.
The LanguageResolver determines which language Sitecore should use, if it’s being set during the current request.
During the normal processing of a
request, when the language is not being set, Sitecore will retrieve the current
language like this:
- The sc_Language key of the Sitecore.Context.Items collection.
- The value of the a language cookie SiteName#lang (e.g., for the default website site the cookie key would be website#lang.
- The language specified in the language attribute of the site config element.
- The language specified in the defaultLanguage Sitecore Setting in web.config.
- Failing all other options, the language resolved as en.
During this processor, Sitecore
checks if the language was specified in an sc_lang query string parameter. If not, it also checks for any
language code that was extracted by the preprocessRequest pipeline’s StripLanguage processor. That processor pulls out the first chunk from
the request’s URL (from an initial / to the next / or . character).
If either were set, Sitecore sets
the current language which updates the sc_Language key of the Sitecore.Context.Items collection and updates the language cookie (see #2, above).
This has the effect of setting the Sitecore.Context.Language property.
It triggers custom handlers defiend
in customHandlers/handler in web.config. This fulfills use of .ashx requests.
Like, for url starts with ~/media/, the hander is set to sitecore_media.ashx.
So, it will proceed for all requests of media. Similarly we have different
handlers for api, xaml, icon, feed, etc.
This processor dispatches requests to specialized handlers that are required. These handlers are defined in
under configuration/sitecore/customHandlers
.If the current request ends with the a handler’s file (e.g.,
), then Sitecore
aborts the current pipeline, since this request is specifically targeting a
handler directly.If the current request should be handled by a custom handler (e.g., a URL that starts with
should be handled by sitecore_media.ashx
then Sitecore rewrites the Context’s path information and aborts the pipeline.Otherwise, processing continues normally.
This processor is actually
deprecated, same processor is taking care in preprocessRequest pipeline.
This processor is deprecated and is here just for backwards compatibility. This processor has an empty Process method.
On the other hand, the
pipeline has a FilterUrlExtensions
processor that ensures requests can proceed and that pipelines should be
It analyzes such query string as
“sc_itemid”. It checks this item in context database with context language. If
this item is valid, then it sets it to current context.
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.QueryStringResolver
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
This processor checks for two values that can be specified in query string parameters:
This processor checks for two values that can be specified in query string parameters:
- sc_itemid: specifies the Sitecore Item for the current request. Only if the ID can be found through Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem() is Sitecore.Context.Item set to that Item. Ignored if Sitecore.Context.Item has been set in a previous processor.
- xmlcontrol: specifies that a Sitecore xmlcontrol should be used as the layout for rendering.
It parses dynamic links (Links
served using ~link.aspx) and gives itemid, language and database details by
using a media prefix syntax (specified in the
configuration/sitecore/mediaLibrary/mediaPrefixes section of web.config).
Depending on it, it sets this item
as Context Site item.
This processor checks if the request was for a specific ID using the
syntax, or a media item by
using a media prefix syntax (specified in the configuration/sitecore/mediaLibrary/mediaPrefixes
of web.config
).This processor only checks for these links if the
hasn’t already been set by
an earlier processor.If an item has been selected using these syntaxes, it’s assigned to
One Sitecore item can have multiple
aliases, means one item can be accessed using different URLs. It checks the
requested URL to see if it matches an alias that exists on the system.
An Alias is a an alternate path for
an item when browsing the web site.
For this "AliasesActive"
setting should be enabled in web.config
This processor checks if the request was for an alias instead of a regular item.
First, it checks if aliases are enabled in the
Sitecore setting in web.config
. If aliases aren’t active, it
skips to the next processor.If aliases are active, it checks if any alias matches the current request’s
property (HttpRequestArgs.LocalPath
). The LocalPath
is the portion of the URL
after StartPath
, generally
just the path without domain and port information.If there’s an alias match, it will try to find the Item pointed to by the alias. If it can find that Item, and the
hasn’t been set yet, then Context.Item
is updated with the Item from the alias. If Context.Item has already been set,
then the execution skips to the next pipeline. Note that this means that
aliases are searched even if Context.Item
was previously assigned, so a large number of aliases could have performance
be updated (and still isn’t set), Sitecore will set the Request’s FilePath
to the alias’s URL, if present.
For example, this is the case for an alias with an external link.
Resolves the start path item for the
context site. Sitecore instantiates this item using the “RootPath” and
“StartItem” attributes of the context site by simply concatenating these values
- Context.Item hasn’t been set yet
- Context.Database has been set (usually from Context.Site.Database)
- Context.Site has been set and Context.Site.StartPath is non-empty (i.e., positive length)
- The LocalPath is empty or equals /default
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.DefaultResolver
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
This processor sets Context.Item to the default Item for the current Context.Site, if set.
This processor sets Context.Item to the default Item for the current Context.Site, if set.
The default Item is applied only if
all of these things are true:
- Context.Item hasn’t been set yet
- Context.Database has been set (usually from Context.Site.Database)
- Context.Site has been set and Context.Site.StartPath is non-empty (i.e., positive length)
- The LocalPath is empty or equals /default
If all of these things are true, it
will attempt to retrieve the site’s StartPath item. StartPath is the concatenation of the site’s rootPath and startItem attributes. For example /sitecore/content/home in the default install of Sitecore’s website site. If the Item can be retrieved, it’s assigned to Context.Item.
It checks whether this request is a
physical file or not. If it is physical file, then will be served as is,
otherwise Sitecore will use its filepath as default.aspx (Default Page) and and
continue request with Sitecore rendering process. If it finds same Item Name
and a physical file, then physical file will be getting more priority.
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.FileResolver
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
The FileResolver checks if there is a physical file at the request path. If there is, then that file will be executed as the Layout for the page instead of any Presentation assigned to the item itself. Sitecore.Context will be available and fully populated, even if a physical file is executed.
The FileResolver checks if there is a physical file at the request path. If there is, then that file will be executed as the Layout for the page instead of any Presentation assigned to the item itself. Sitecore.Context will be available and fully populated, even if a physical file is executed.
The existence of the FileResolver allows you to have Sitecore execute files directly instead
of using the normal Sitecore rendering process from an Item in the database.
Note that file names must fully
match, including extension. For example, if there’s an item in the Content Tree
at /sitecore/content/home/test1
and a file in the root of the Sitecore application named test1.aspx, here’s what will happen with different URL’s:
Content Item
Content Item
Physical File
In this way, physical files take
precedence over Content Items. Note that in the third example, above, that even
though test1.aspx is executed, Sitecore.Context.Item will be populated with the /sitecore/content/home/test1 item in the ItemResolver processor of this pipeline.
Resolves the Sitecore context item
from the incoming URL.
The item will be null when a request
is requested, which does not find any Sitecore item.
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ItemResolver
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Although all of the processors in this pipeline are important, this is the one that many people will feel is the “heart” of the pipeline.
Although all of the processors in this pipeline are important, this is the one that many people will feel is the “heart” of the pipeline.
ItemResolver translates the requested URL in to a Content Item from the
Content Tree – in other words, this is what finds the item a visitor is looking
for when they click on a link.
In the following notes, Sitecore
Decoded means that encoding replacements have been completed. Encoding
replacements are specified in web.config in /configuration/sitecore/encodeNameReplacements.
Sitecore finds the requested Item by
following these steps:
- If Context.Item has already been set, skip to the next processor.
- Try to do a straight lookup from the Sitecore Decoded ItemPath, which is the non-domain portion of a URL, stripped of query string, extensions and trailing / characters.
- Attempt to a lookup from the LocalPath, which is the ItemPath with StartPath removed.
- Attempt the same, but Sitecore Decoded.
- Try with the Context.Site.RootPath prepended to LocalPath.
- Try the same, but Sitecore Decoded.
- Resolve by a name search. In this step, the resolver tries to get the start item specified in Context.Site.RootPath. If it can find it, it scans each child looking for a match on each chunk of the request’s Sitecore Decoded LocalPath using the Item’s Display Name and Name properties.
- Same as 6, but tries with only the ItemPath portion of the URL.
- Finally, if the sc_usesitestartpath query string parameter has been set to true, then the Context.Site.StartItem Item is returned.
If all of these steps fail, the Sitecore.Context.Item will be set to null.
It determins layout for the request
from querystring parameter: sc_layout or by getting layout assigned to the
Sitecore.Context.Item (Set from the presentation details). Sitecore assigns
Layout to a request by updating Sitecore.Context.Page.FilePath
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.LayoutResolver
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
This processor determines which Sitecore Layout will be used to satisfy the current request.
This processor determines which Sitecore Layout will be used to satisfy the current request.
If Context.Item hasn’t been set, or if Context.Page.FilePath (the layout to be used) has already been set, then
processing skips to the next processor.
This processor tries to find a
layout using these steps:
- Determine if the sc_layout query string parameter supplied a valid reference (path or GUID) to a Layout definition Item.
- If not, see of the Context.Item has a Layout assigned through the Context.Item.Visualization.Layout property, which is set through normal Presentation Layout Details dialogs.
- If a valid Layout Item has been found, Sitecore will first try to use any XML Controls that have been assigned to it through the Control or Path fields. The processor will also work to decode and transcribe XML Control references (e.g., xmlcontrol query strings).
- Otherwise, the Layout’s Path will be assigned as a standard .aspx file
- Finally, if no Layout could be found, Sitecore will use the Layout specified in the DefaultLayoutFile Sitecore Setting, if present.
Sitecore assigns Layout to a request
by updating Sitecore.Context.Page.FilePath. If none of these techniques work, that property will
return null
or the empty string.
Rewrites the context path and
handles the “item not found” or ”layout not found” errors
Class: Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ExecuteRequest
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
Assembly: Sitecore.Kernel
This is where the rubber meets the road. This processor finalizes activity and makes sure the Sitecore.Context is ready for the execution process to begin. It checks the following:
This is where the rubber meets the road. This processor finalizes activity and makes sure the Sitecore.Context is ready for the execution process to begin. It checks the following:
- That Context.Site has been assigned and the current user has Site Enter permissions. If Site Enter is not granted, Sitecore will redirect to an Access Denied message.
- If no Context.Item has been assigned, Sitecore will redirect to a Item Not Found error message.
- If no Layout has been assigned (in Context.Page.FilePath), then Sitecore will redirect to a Layout Not Found error message.
- If the Layout assigned is not internal to this application, Sitecore will emit a Response.Redirect to the URL specified in Context.Page.FilePath.
- Finally, if none of that happens, Sitecore updates the HttpContext’s paths with a call to RewritePath with the location of the physical file to execute.
of Pipeline
After this, ASP.NET will continue execution normally as HttpContext
has the correct paths and Sitecore.Context
has been fully
Custom page handlers are executed
here defined in pageHandlers/handler in web.config. We are not having any
custom page handlers.
Checks security of all items in
request for current user. It also checks security depending on Current Site
requested and Preview Mode.
Adds renderings to the current page,
which are assigned.
We can add page extenders here defined
in pageextenders/pageextender. For example, PreviewPageExtender,
WebEditPageExtender, DebuggerPageExtender
Builds full page, and expands all
controls and placeholders.
All controls are inserted to the
page as System Controls.
All unused controls are inserted to
the page as System Controls.
Sets browser caching headers. Also
add last modified header (Item updated DateTime)
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